JAKARTA-Residents Tray, Sukoharjo, Central Java were surprised by the jackfruit pieces resemble a human face. At first glance, thisseems like a jackfruit fruit in general. However, if considered carefully, jackfruit is similar to a human face, ie having two eyesand a prominent nose.
Jackfruit fruit shaped like a human face is found in the village ofMupusan Tray, Sukoharjo, Central Java on Friday (07/08/2011).
This anomaly also makes a lot of people came to see the fruit ofthe jackfruit. Because of hectic visitor, the owner of the tree, collectdonations Nurjana directly to visitors who want to see the fruit.Donations, said Nurjana will be used for village development.
Spoken Nurjana, jackfruit is grown normal-looking man from a tree in his yard. However, since 4 October 2011 and then, jackfruitshows weirdness.
A few days before this incident, had confessed Nurjana albinobuffalo transit Keraton Solo Slamet Kiai descendants who came tothe yard. And when asleep he guided a visitor through the dreams of many and after a conscious, jackfruit turns his face like a human.
The plan, jackfruit strange fruit will not be picked and kept until the fruit matures.
(Septyantoro Aji Nugroho / SUN TV / ugo)
source: okezone.com

Jackfruit fruit shaped like a human face is found in the village ofMupusan Tray, Sukoharjo, Central Java on Friday (07/08/2011).
This anomaly also makes a lot of people came to see the fruit ofthe jackfruit. Because of hectic visitor, the owner of the tree, collectdonations Nurjana directly to visitors who want to see the fruit.Donations, said Nurjana will be used for village development.
Spoken Nurjana, jackfruit is grown normal-looking man from a tree in his yard. However, since 4 October 2011 and then, jackfruitshows weirdness.
A few days before this incident, had confessed Nurjana albinobuffalo transit Keraton Solo Slamet Kiai descendants who came tothe yard. And when asleep he guided a visitor through the dreams of many and after a conscious, jackfruit turns his face like a human.
The plan, jackfruit strange fruit will not be picked and kept until the fruit matures.
(Septyantoro Aji Nugroho / SUN TV / ugo)
source: okezone.com
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