ALL UNIQUE- Japanese researchers claimed to find large reserves of "rare earth", a rare mineral consisting of a series oflanthanide and actinide content, on the seabed. Minerals that are used in various applications of high technology.
Geologists estimate there are 100 billion tons of mineral depositson mud at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. In the world, Chinacurrently produces 97 percent dominated by the metal.
In a BBC report, July 4, 2011, analysts say, the discovery in the Pacific Ocean that can affect the dominance of China. Britishjournal, Nature Geoscience, reported that a team of researchersled by Yasuhiro Kato (Associate Professor of the field of Earth atthe University of Tokyo) discovered the mineral in 78 locations in the sea mud.
"The coating has a high content of rare minerals. Only one squarekilometer layer that can meet one-fifth of annual world demand,"said Yasuhiro Kato. Rare minerals were found at a depth of 3500-6000 meters below sea level.
Kato explains, a third study site that contains a rare mineral andmetal yttrium. Layer it was in international waters on the east andwest of Hawaii and east of Tahiti. United States Geological Surveyestimates that global demand is only 110 million tons, mainly from China, Russia, former Soviet states, and the United States. (BBC /ICH)
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